The only surviving pup of Báwsa and Taysha’s biological litter, Ts'atáhwin is also the youngest of the pair’s pups (both adopted and bio). He was born late, and not too terribly long after his parents’ deaths.
As a result, he was nursed by Bronwen and raised by Nayáwsa (who affectionately calls him Yote (due to his coyote like appearance)). He’s generally a quiet soul by nature (like his father), to the point that, for a while, Bronwen had thought he was mute. Being raised by his sister, he is very capable of using his voice whenever he chooses to. Ts'atáhwin has had a strong presence since he was a pup. His words bear weight - good or bad - and demand respect. Dedicated and fiercely loyal, he would often find himself in standoffs with the older wolves of Black Eden, usually in (often in misguided, but well intentioned) defense of his siblings. The bond between himself and Nayáwsa, Wihit, and Banit is close nit and unshakeable. He - of the four - is the most vocal about it.
It’s gotten him reprimanded by Dehahuit himself a few times for when it was misguided. However, the leader respects and admires his tenacity and quiet fierceness. Ts'atáhwin would die for his pack, especially his siblings. When Tide began to contemplate stepping down as herbalist, he invited the pups of the pack to come watch him work. It was a determination of who would suit the role, and Ts'atáhwin took to it like a stray ember to dry grass. He was trained until the day he was old enough to take over, and then that was passed on to Herbert. To no one’s surprise, Báwsa guides his son’s paws in the role.