Franny was born during a stellar meteor shower that lit the night sky with vibrant hues, marking her entry into the world. Raised on the outskirts of Lyrai Forest, she quickly embraced her unique orange fur, which shimmered like embers under the moonlight. Franny grew up exploring the vast wilderness and learning to navigate by the stars; each constellation whispered tales of ancient hunters and great battles fought long ago. Despite being only five years old, she possessed an uncanny wisdom that resonated deeply within her tribe—the Comet Hunters—who revered both strength and strategy in their warriors.
Within this tight-knit community, Franny earned her title as "The Finisher." She displayed a knack for stalking prey until it revealed its vulnerability before tapping into fierce precision to deliver swift ends. On countless occasions, she proved herself during hunting missions alongside seasoned pack members who marveled at how such a young wolf could embody composure beyond her years. Adorned not just with bravery but also an unyielding resolve amidst chaos, Franny's stoic personality became both a source of inspiration and intrigue among her peers.