name if husky eyed guiz kid seraphine and give her a dark blue base
During the lesson: Polyphema explained to GIVE LUCKY how wet fur is not a good idea, especially in the winter. She demonstrated how to find rocks and dry patches to cross a creek or a river instead of swimming across it.
During the lesson: Chasing birds can be a lot of fun, but it took forever today for any to show up and GIVE LUCKY ended up being bored. She decided to use a different nesting material for the next lesson.
GIVE LUCKY leaps to their paws and sizes you up, asking if you'd like to do some training with a real warrior like them.
GIVE LUCKY IF GUIZ KID is bristly and pacing back and forth. They seem like they're itching for a fight!
GIVE LUCKY IF GUIZ KID is bristly and pacing back and forth. They seem like they're itching for a fight!