Born weak, Бигбы was mocked by his littermates and left the pack at adolescence. He later returned when he was big and strong enough to become the pack's finisher. He is still a bit of a shadowy figure in the outskirts of the pack and he keeps mostly to himself, though Камень is sometimes seen in his company.
He can be very blunt and does not like that people take his work for granted.
267 at birth
285 at 1
291 at 2
297 at 3
318 at 4
331 at 6
345 at 7
371 at 8
403 at 9
438 at 10
482 at 11
527 at 12 at 2 years and 9 1/2 months
568 at 13
615 at 14 at 3 years and 3 months
661 at 15
716 at 16 at 3 years and 10 1/2 months
770 at 17