~Rules for Traveler~
1. Don't change name, Footnotes can be added
2. Keep for as long as you wish but plz send her on his way if can't care for her!
4. Plz don't take decor this you didn't put on her thanks
5. Adding decor/ Lore is always OPTIONAL
Pack name/User:
Time received:
Time Left:
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Pack name/User: Iron Flames Pack
Time received: 09/24/2024
Time Left: 02/10/2024
Add lore here: /
Pack name/User: Bluegrass Pack
Time received: 10/23/24
Time Left:
Add lore here: Upon arrival I was greeted with open paws! It's nice and spacious here. I have joined the nesting box where I am told that I will remain for my stay, it seems nice and cozy so I don't mind. There are alot of nursing mother's here maybe I can help till they get transferred to the whelping box. 10/31/2024 Oh! I am expecting puppies! I am super excited to see what is born! 4 days!! 11/04/24 After having the puppies I had two that looked just like me!
link and her sister
link In just 4 short days ill be weaning them and they will go to their new homes and I will set on my journey again. Everyone has been so kind and helpful!