Gene approaches New Befriended Wolf and presses his ear tightly into her fur. He mumbles something under his breath before plucking a single hair strand directly from the coat. He turns his back to you and fumbles around with it and a series of objects. After a short period, he regards you excitedly.. "Intriguing news! New Befriended Wolf is a carrier for the following mutations: Hereditary Cataracts!"
Your chosen wolf sips the colourful ichor and lies down, suddenly exhausted. Their nap is long, and the dream they had was life-changing, to say the least.
You feel on edge when HC² greets you. Their eyes dart around, unable to settle, and you can sense their inner turmoil.
You notice HC² sniffing and checking something nervously, but they step aside when you approach. Turns out it was meant to be a gift for you but HC² was unable to overcome their shyness to offer it to you before you saw it.
You've earned an achievement!
Level 20 Scout
Reach level 20 with a scout.