An adventurous pup at heart, Soona likes exploring alone or with members of her cave. She doesn't think much about social drama in the pack outside her close circle.
Made it to B-Team at only 2 years 9 months and level 12.
Fourth generation Ghul lines. No recessive genes.
Parents: Burnie and Cinder.
Siblings: Niamh Daughter Of The Fae, 560 Chaser, Storm, Tempes, Firelight, Storm, Lite foot.
Aunts and Uncles: Josh Giddy, Icy-Hot (chased), Wren โฏ๏ธ, Autumn rush, Kludd, Cedar, 2x Auburn, Blend, Sandy, 3x Auburn.
Cousin: Huckleberry.
Cousins Once Removed: Ozzy, Xanadu.
Cousins Twice Removed: Wyrm, Judu, Nargacuga, Moonflower.
Cousin Three Times Removed: Mudsnake.
10 auburn mark breeding project. Pair bond 9/10 auburn possible. Auburn lines: ๐ Iษณิฮนฮฑษณฮฑ, Staravia/Fire That Burns Forest, Silas, แ Sessano/๐ก๏ธ Bandersnatch.
1st GEN ๐ผ Sulu 1251st, RavenWalker ๐.