This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 5 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
New Befriended Wolf bumps into you with an excited smile and you notice something loosely wrapped in leaves and dried grass in their mouth. They nearly dance in place with excitement at seeing your reaction.
+1 to Relationship
Gained 1x Roadrunner Feather!
I found her in the Riparian Woodland
10th Aug, 2024 13:33
NBW Black 3XPanda 7M Crotalus Eyes 212st Female 1 year 0 months
"NBW Black Panda 212 F is completely clear! Not a carrier for anything at all."
♕ Manawrath ♕ (#43887)
I don't need her back, no worries.
Just wanted to let you know I chased her and her dad is my swap stud; Zoraal Ja. In case you like to record those types of things! ^^
Grats finding her, I'm glad she made it through the void. ^^
Your chosen wolf curiously inspects the changed pattern on their fur!
Used a Marking Opacity Changer on ⭐️NBW Black Panda 212 FIX (#10666276) and adjusted the marking opacity in slot 4 to 50% opacity. Old opacity was: 1%.
Your chosen wolf curiously inspects the changed pattern on their fur!
Used a Marking Opacity Changer on ⭐️NBW Black Panda 212 FIX (#10666276) and adjusted the marking opacity in slot 5 to 100% opacity. Old opacity was: 24%.
Your chosen wolf admires their fresh, new fur!
Used a Base Changer on ⭐️NBW Black Panda 212 FIX (#10666276) and changed to the base: Vanilla. Old base was: Black.
Your chosen wolf eats the elk's heart. It's the most thoughtful and romantic gift among your kin.
Great Tit used on Harry
11th Aug, 2024 21:28
You give ⭐️NBW Vanilla Panda 212 F an ultrasound... She is pregnant with 3 puppies!
🦓NBW Vanilla Panda 232 F rushes to greet you, pouncing on you exuberantly. They laugh as you shake them off with an eyeroll.
+1 to Relationship