- Assertive

- Caring

- Observant
Betha comes from an oddly brave and loud pack of wolves—and she is certainly no exception to their reputation. However, even her own kin began to find her constant barking and bossing to be a bit irritating. Upon the pack's majority of votes for her exile, she begrudgingly left to fend for herself amidst the dangerous lands.
While scrounging for food scraps along the river bank of the Zygopteran territory, she spotted the pack on a clumsy elk hunt. She observed the mess for a while, before suddenly jumping in herself and easily taking down the stubborn prey. The Zygopterans were stunned—being such an inexperienced pack and seeing her almost effortlessly take down such big game.
But despite the desperate hunger that clawed at Betha's stomach, she couldn't let these amateur hunters move on in shame before giving them a good lesson. Fierce and blunt in her corrections and criticism—the stunned Zygopterans found a much needed mentor in her, and instantly requested that she'd join their pack.
Betha was immediately entertained at the task of showing these young wolves how it was done. After a while of merciless instructing and barking the ways of the wolf, she found she took great pleasure in the work of leading others to wisdom—thus taking the role of pack pupsitter to continue her teachings to the younger generation.