Birth Certificate
Birthdate: Aug 19 (Summer)
Mother: Stoneshimmer
Father: Phantomstripe
Birth Stats: 689
Pupsitter: Bisonhorn
Coalclaw was a confident little boy who was never afraid too show the sweetness in his heart. Every game of Pretend Pack found him playing as the caring herbalist or the gentle pupsitter. If another pup fell off a log during a round of Lava, Coal was the first one checking to see if they were okay. The pupsitters thought that maybe he would be one of them, but you can't always tell with pups.
At the Academy, Coal applied himself to his studies with the vigor one would expect of an Alpha's son. He quickly outpaced his siblings in his grades, especially in Smarts and Wisdom. The Herbalist and stalkers began eyeing him in earnest but they also knew that there was no telling with this one. Coal didn't seem to know what his destiny was. He thought maybe it would be easier if Honeywood assigned jobs based on parentage, as some other packs did. But he knew that freedom was important too. Finally, after much thought, Coal chose to apprentice with the Herbalist.