☠Raiden☠ son of Huntress and Aengus born on 21/12/2020 

When he was a pup he was the first on trying to walk among his litter-mates; not long after he tried running to, yes he might have tripped over his own paws but he kept trying and it payed off in the end. He ran every were, it drove his pup sitters crazy with his new found love for speed. He used his speed to mess around with the pup sitters but when his mom steps in he has a hard time getting away, she is a LOT faster and way more agile than him and she would catch him by his neck fluff. This over time started turning into a game between him and his mom, were he would see how long he can not get caught by her and for her to catch him and put him back with the others.
As he got older ( 6 months) the games between him and his mother increases. Every time She came back from a hunt he would be waiting on her return give her a cheeky look, wag his talking a play full while he is standing dead still eyeing his mom, she would see this and slowly start stalking him they would stare sat one another before BOLTING off in a direction for the game have started.
When he reached (1 year)Adulthood the alpha came to him and told him, his pack role will be scout for the times being. ☠Raiden☠ turned to greet his mother knowing she is the 1 wolf that was with him his entire life. But now its time to go on his own out into this world. He rests his head on her neck fluff giving her a light hug before turning around so exited to explore the new world. He turns looking at his mom, he gives her his cocky look then doing his play bow and waging his tail, like he always does before they play their game of chase but then BOLTS off into the direction he needs to start his scouting.
All His litter-mates has left the pack to start their own lives. He was close to his siblings but he understood their wishes to explore the world on their own. He chose to stay with his mother.
☠Huntress☠ his mother
HE is really close to his mother, to the point were you can labile them as BFF's instead of mother and son.
They will always see him as a little pest XD. But still love him even if he was a little devil, when ever he come in contact with one of his pup sitters he would maybe nip their tail or pull a funny face to tease them, till the Pup sitter chases him around.
Level 1 - Promoted to 🔥Lead Chaser🔥
Strength - 65 / Speed - 99 / Agility - 93 / Wisdom - 56 / Smarts - 66 = 379
(976+945)= 509-519