This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 7 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
Subdue trots off into the territory with a parting smile.
Subdue has returned with good news that the scouting mission went without issue.
The group returns, hardly pausing to notice you between their conversations. That's okay—they seem happy! (5) - Cloudy with a Chance and Subdue have perfectly matched singing voices—you could hear it from far away!
Subdue wags their tail and gives you a few chin licks in greeting. They're always so happy to see you!
Subdue stares at you with excitement when they place a gift in front of you. They stay by your side for a while, apparently enjoying both your reaction and your presence. - Gained 1x Swan Feather!
Subdue is excited to see you and says they've been waiting for you to come for your play date together. What? You don't remember discussing that, but you are touched to be included.
During the lesson: Subdue explained the secrets of body language today. AnotherHewieRelative LOL became more aware of even tiny signs and gestures, which will help to build healthy relationships in the future.