This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 6 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Pack & ID: Pack of Silhouettes (#97802)
Length of Stay:
Decor: Rose Horns [Purple]
Lore: Aurora was confident that she would be fine. She may be stuck in one of the coldest, most hostile biomes, but she was just fine. She was even finding prey. Due to her pale coat, she blended in well with the monochrome landscape, but she wasn't used to hunting on slippery ice and craggy rocks.
That is why she felt relief upon coming across the Pack of Silhouettes, though she wouldn't have admitted that fact to anyone. She found herself safe and warm within a large pack, safe enough, in fact, to have pups.
Pack & ID: Spirit Dwellers #68977
Length of Stay: 10/1/24 - 10/21/24
Decor: Thistle
Lore: Aurora was wandering the woods, when she found the Spirit Dwellers. There were strange things beginning to happen in the woods, so she was grateful for the welcome she received. The Spirit Dwellers kept telling her about their special celebration this time of year. Their pack specialized in communicating with the dead and the spirits of nature. Aurora learned tons about how to summon and understand the spirits in the world. The more she learned, the more secure she felt about the strange happenings going on in the world. Soon, Aurora knew everything that the Spirit Dwellers had to teach her. Armed with her new knowledge, Aurora felt much more comfortable with wandering into the forest alone in search of a pack once again. Thanking the pack and saying her farewells, Aurora set off into the spooky forest once again.
Pack & ID: Hidden Silence Pack #65655
Length of Stay: 12/01/2024-
Decor: Himalayan Wolf
Lore: Aurora joined the Hidden Silence Pack on the first day of December and decided to stay until she gave birth to and nursed a litter of pups. She got to see 2 special ceremonies that most travelers don't get the pleasure of viewing, she got to see a new Alpha being accepted into the pack as well as a new Breeding Male. She decided not to take a role while staying with the pack. She met a Himalayan Wolf to join her on her adventures.