From the ancient family of pack herbalists, the Galewinds.
Family Tree:
Dr. Hollow Galewind
Dr. Heloise Galewind
- Dr. Silver Galewind
He has always been one bossy little pup. He always wanted to command the other pups when he was nursing, and his mother being busy with her herbalist duties made it easier for his behaviour to be overseen.
He wanted to learn herbalism with his mother, as a way to find some more connection to her. While he learned and became a herbalist himself, he was always acutely aware of being seen as a bit of a nuisance by his mother, though his arrogant attitude always went completely over his head.
Heloise died just before fully completing Silver's training. He was left adrift, having to take up the herbalist role without his mother there to help him grow used to his new job. This made him grow up fast and mature. Seeing the reality of grief helped his previously lacking empathy grow, making him a good wolf to take care of his pack.