Levels and stats:
LVL 2 - 437 - STR 107, SPD 83, AGI 98, WIS 68, SMR 81 (I totally didn't forget to write this in when I levelled him, hah)
LVL 3 - 443 - +3 wisdom, +2 strength, +1 agility
LVL 4 - 451 - +4 wisdom, +2 strength, +1 agility, +0 speed, +1 smarts
LVL 5 - 462 - +4 wisdom, +3 strength, +1 agility, +1 speed, +1 smarts
LVL 6 - 476 - +4 wisdom, +4 strength, +2 agility, +1 smarts, +1 speed
LVL 7 - 490 - +6 wisdom, +4 strength, +2 agility, +1 smarts, +1 speed
LVL 8 - 508 - +7 wisdom, +5 strength, +2 agility, +1 smarts, +1 speed
LVL 11 - 591