This wolf is currently nursing at least one puppy! She will wean her offspring in 5 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
(Anya, named after a character from the game Mouthwashing who has the same name -- Anya.)
Anya, a very kind and caring pupsitter. She tries not to be too harsh on the puppies when they get into mischief because she knows they are just that - puppies. Not mature enough to realize what they're doing is bad. She also has a slight bit of medical and herbal knowledge, allowing her to heal a pup's wounds or give them herbs to soothe pain while she waits for the herbalist to become available. She wanted to be a herbalist but nonetheless gave up the position, even though she still dreams of being one.
Her glowing nose gives away where she is in the dark, which is why she never considered being a hunter, ever. Other wolves like to call her "Rudolph" because of some human movie. They also call her a tiger because of her stripes.