Atsaya grew attached to foxes after sneaking away to watch them as a pup. She was impressed that the adults, though larger than her, made no attempt to attack. The pack humors her odd obsession by allowing a safe zone where she can visit them. She brings food for orphaned kits and her childhood friends, but any fox coming or going from the safe zone must still run for its life from the rest of the pack.
Made it to A-Team at 4 years 10.5 months.
3d generation Ghul lines. No recessive genes.
Parents: Adcrocuta and Borophagus.
Siblings: F Cougar, Cougar.
Aunts and Uncles: Bloodhound, Tiva, G3, 373, 5 Marks.
10 cougar mark challenge. Pair marks possible: 4. Cougar lines: Cain, Yugen, Penumbra, Rahera.