The long awaited, true and chosen heir to the pack's founders.
Became leader 13th Feb, 2025
Year 9
1 year and what, 10 or smth
X New Puppy W (#11344000?
Lunar breedable base?
Training str all three
agility all three
speed 3h
+27 +9 +27
-change sex (3gc)
You crafted 1 x Cozy Nest - it is now in your Hoard!
The following items were used:
15x Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
5x Turmeric
15x Large Branch
You spent 200 LT on the following items:
1x Eye Applicator [Biophoton]
You spent 80 LT on the following items:
1x Nose Applicator [Ooze]
You spent 11 LT on the following items:
1x Dreamshine [Lunar]
You spent 200 LT on the following items:
1x Eye Applicator [Solar Eclipse]
Annular Solar Eclipse over Patagonia 1k sc
You spent 40 LT on the following items:
1x Lunar Raven Friend
You spent 20 LT on the following items:
1x Solar Eclipse Kodkod