This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 4 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
Nothing brings two wolves together more than an unexpected gift. Sunset runt happily drops something at your paws, greeting you with a short, friendly lick.
During the lesson: Gooseberry pie tied the toy to a string made of straw. She pulled the toy between rocks and bushes and Sunset runt had to pounce and steal it without being detected by Gooseberry pie's keen senses.
Sunset runt is laying in the sun grooming their paws and humming. They wag their tail happily in greeting.
Lumio Sunset looks excited to see you and asks if you're free for a chat. You're busy right now, but maybe later.
During the lesson: ☮️ |G13|Ti|M3|Stat335 stalked the birds in silence. Focused and alert, she felt she was improving really fast and told Lumio Sunset it was her favorite lesson.