This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 3 rollovers! She has a nest, and should give birth safely. This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
New Befriended Wolf brings you a gift, commenting that it's only because they didn't need it.
+1 to Relationship
Gained 1x Gull Carcass!
I caught her in the Glacier
17th Oct, 2024 21:11
"☠️NBW Onyx 7M 281 F is completely clear! Not a carrier for anything at all."
NBW Onyx Deira Inverted Agouti, Onyx Black Smoke 7M Crotalus EYES 281st Female 1 year 0 months
Message from: 🍀 LoboSong #19378
I cased that Onyx! So happy she made it ♡
I don't need her back at all, so she is all yours
☠️NBW Onyx 7M 281st F is feasting on a delicious looking bird. You want to share, but they growl as you approach and swallow it in a couple of bites. All theirs, it seems.
+1 to Relationship