This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 20 rollovers! This wolf is a traveling wolf! She is currently in her home pack. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
1. You could keep her for many rollovers as you like, but will recalled if 2+ days past if not active for 2 rollovers.
2. Please keep her well-fed and entertained. If you are unable to care for her, message me and I will
send you food/amusement, or take her back. Will be recalled if hunger drops below 50% or mood
below 50%
3. Feel free to add decor/marking apps to her.
4. You may breed him and pair bond her, she's nursing pups that you don't like you can send them
to me if you like.
5. Please return him to me, when she is 7 years old. (Crystal #151132)
6. Please do not change her name.
7. Feel free to train her for any role you would like.
8. Please use this format to record her story.
Username & ID: für elysia (#153102)
Pack name: elysian realm
Lore: Sakura's Memory
Sakura: I don't know how you fared, but at least you're still in one piece.
Nightfall: Yes, I'm fine. The Elysian Realm is riddled with unknown enemies, but it turned out to be a valuable experience.
Nightfall: And… if I'm not mistaken, you've faced all of them before, right?
Sakura: Only some of them.
Sakura: You're not the first to come here, and everyone who came before left unique marks.
Sakura: The Elysian Realm changed them, and in return they changed the realm.. including the enemies.
Nightfall: …
Sakura: Sorry, that's the best answer I can give you right now.
Nightfall: I think I understand.
Sakura: No, you don't know nearly enough. Don't jump to conclusions.