This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
During the lesson: To Yellowy dusty's surprise, Whitelite 🍼 found her quite quickly today. Yellowy dusty was reminded to mind her tail while hiding, because energetic wagging can be easily heard and seen.
Yellowy dusty is stretched out in the shade, enjoying some time to themselves. They greet you cordially.
The good manners lesson went awry today when Yellowy dusty started inventing bizarre and funny excuses to make everyone laugh instead of learning how to apologize with respect. Maiwunder 🍼 was serious in scolding her, but she noticed her smiling when the other pups weren't looking.
Yellowy dusty notices you and starts some small talk. They don't seem to care about your responses, instead preferring to hear themselves talk. As they ramble on, they pass something your way without pausing.
Yellowy dusty responds to your questions in a friendly manner, but it's clear that they enjoy their time alone