This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 4 rollovers! This wolf is immune to illness for 3 rollovers. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Cocoa Dilution was applied in slot 10!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Cedar Toes was applied in slot 6!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Brown Inuit Unders was applied in slot 3!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Aspen Inuit Unders was applied in slot 1!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Pumice Cape Ticking was applied in slot 2!
Your chosen wolf growls with excitement. They have merged with the cryptids!
Change Base Dark Brown (2.26%) Base Genetics Muted Dark I to Base Merged (0.04%) Base Genetics Special Medium *
Slot 9 White Underfur (49% : T0) Changer to 100%
Slot 5 Moonlight Ornate Stripes (47% : T3) Changer to 100%