This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 2 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
You spot New Befriended Wolf relaxing with their eyes closed but they snap awake when they see you. They bring you something from their well-kept stash and say that they stumbled upon it and thought of you.
+1 to Relationship
Gained 1x Peregrine Falcon Feather!
As always, New Befriended Wolf seems perfectly balanced. They hardly ever show strong emotions, which is calming in a way. Whenever you're overwhelmed, their presence brings a new perspective.
+1 to Relationship
I caught her in the Glacier
22nd Oct, 2024 19:29
⭐️NBW Flint 4M 275st F is completely clear! Not a carrier for anything at all.
NBW Flint White Merle Cynthia Wraith 4M ICE Eyes 275st Female 1 year 0½ months
⚔️Ren⚔️ [Light's on] (#87527)
The Flint was mine! I dont need her back unless you can't sell her!
Ignore her name, she was named that before my breeding goals changed lol
(She was a GEN 6)
As always, 🐿️ NBW Flint 4M 275st F seems perfectly balanced. They hardly ever show strong emotions, which is calming in a way. Whenever you're overwhelmed, their presence brings a new perspective.
+1 to Relationship
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Nocturne Dilution was applied in slot 1!
Your chosen wolf howls with a deep, somber rasp. Spooky.
Used a(n) Marking Set Applicator [Ghast] on 🐿️ NBW Flint 4M 275st F (#11212637) and applied White Ghast in Slot 3.
Your chosen wolf curiously inspects the changed pattern on their fur!
Used a Marking Opacity Changer on 🐿️ NBW Flint 4M 275st F (#11212637) and adjusted the marking opacity in slot 10 to 15% opacity. Old opacity was: 96%.