Don't change his name
Do ask permission to pair bond him
Don't remove anything from his bio or decor
Don't chase him [if you can't keep him, just send him to someone else or return to me]
Try not to keep him longer than 6 rollovers
Add your account information and any extra information to the travel template please.
Can be set for a role while visiting and can add decor!
Please keep him healthy
He will be called back once he's 6 years old.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRAVEL TEMPLATE
User ID:
Pack Name:
Date Received:
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ User ID:🐾 𝓑𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓭𝔂☆ [#10992354]
Pack Name: The starry night sky
Date Received:11/11/24
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]: