This wolf is currently nursing at least one puppy! She will wean her offspring in 2 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
New Befriended Wolf brings you a gift with a soft smile, saying that they hope that you'll think of them when using it.
+1 to Relationship - on claim 10/25/24 shortly before RO. & 10.25.24 again? ok charmer & 10.29.24 & 10.30.24.
Befriended at 2y, 3 1/2mo
(...wait that's literally your personality, huh. just saw that.)
Sex changed
EHd, WMd, WBd, OSd, BSd, & bred + IBFd on 10.29.24. - first bred 6 cub litter born 10.29.24.? no muts?
As you approach, *Avanti makes sure that you are able to see their graceful body language whenever you look at them. - 12.31.24.