This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 2 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
Baked on Estrogen is a memey wolf tgirl who freeloads at Snake Roots. Not a member of the pack but with no plans to leave, her sheer persistence in sticking around has somehow outmatched even the most formidable of wolves trying to kick her out.
She does nothing. She goes nowhere. She sleeps and eats and shits all day long, but you know what? Power to her.
For no particular reason, she seems to have spent a night with the pack's stud, Rinty, and fell pregnant with his litter. Shit was chill. Hayden and D'arc assisted her with the litter and birth, as usual, although everyone seemed to mutually agree they wouldn't be keeping any pups that came of it. Including estrogen herself, who was too baked to realize she was pregnant until the little dudes popped out
When her little weed babies were all grown up... one stuck around and freeloaded just like her old lady! It brought tears to her eyes. She even got insta pregnant just like Mom.
Unfortunately, the tribe finally found a job for her. She was to watch over any pups that were taking refuge in snake roots until they were old enough to go out on their own. She was like, kinda bummed but cool about it? She never trained them, instead teaching them her very own kind of herbalism.