This wolf has a mutation or secondary mutation that causes blindness! Unfortunately, he can never lead the pack, participate in training, become an apprentice or perform a role.
"I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you,
that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true
that visions are seldom all they seem"
His history Yogen was born to a pair of young wolves. He looked like any newborn puppy until he opened his eyes. Faded, without pupils and irises. His mother was terrified, so she called a herbalist who, despite his best efforts, was unable to help the young puppy. Despite this, his mother, the Spotted Cobra, decided to love him like his siblings. Everything was peaceful, but the idyllic times came to an end when the disease hit the litter. One by one, the puppies started getting sick. Desperate parents tried everything to help their young ones. The situation was made worse by yogen's words. He talked about strange dreams, where he walked in unknown areas, where he saw the silhouettes of mysterious wolves, where he saw the death of his brothers. Spotted Cobra, certain that the dreams were just her blind son's imagination, did not take them seriously. Unfortunately, soon, one of yogen's brothers did not wake up from his sleep. This was only the beginning of the tragedy. Within weeks, each of Yogen's five brothers died in their sleep. His parents would fall into mourning, and his mother experienced the death of her sons the worst. One day Yogen had a dream, he saw his brothers playing in a clearing, free from illness. He told his mother about his dream. this one, terrified and in despair, called her last son cursed and insultingly named him Mōmoku, meaning blind. The next day his mother abandoned him and walked away without looking back. Yogen was wandering around without food and having no idea where he was going or where he was. That was until he came across another wolf, the packs leader, Memoirs, who later changed his name to Yogen, meaning prophecy and took him under his wing.