This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 25 rollovers! He can't form a new pair bond until then! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
During the Recognising Danger lesson: New Puppy learned that not only the ingredients but also the proportions can change a cure into a poison. He felt a lot more responsible after this lesson.
During the Prey Tracking lesson: Reinecke rolled the toy in deceptive scents today - dung, dead fish and even an ant hill! New Puppy had to focus really hard to separate multiple scents entangled together to find the toy.
During the Howling lesson: New Puppy made great progress in this lesson. So great that he heard once or twice that maybe, just maybe, he could rest a little. His ambition for becoming the best voice in the pack was so strong, though, that resting was not an option.
During the Effective Killing lesson: New Puppy tested out some killing techniques on the stoat carcass. Collie explained which methods take the most strength, but are also the quickest, which saves energy and spares the prey from suffering.
During the Socialisation lesson: New Puppy now understands how to interpret every ear position with alignment of the tail angle. It was so complex, but Forsythie was a good teacher.