During the lesson: For small prey, Atlantic explained claws are your best asset. She demonstrated to Weasel that there are ways to pin prey down and kill with a small bite to the neck, rather than trying to bite the entire piece of prey and ruining it.
During the lesson: Weasel listened carefully to 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮's lecture about how biting and tussling aren't allowed during teamwork. That was a bit disappointing, but Weasal was ready for the hard work.
During the lesson: Weasel and his littermate practised their howling techniques together, despite complaints of the adults who couldn't sleep in peace.
During the lesson: Sunflower managed to hide the toy so well that Weasel had trouble picking up its scent, and it took some time to dig the toy out. Weasel didn't give up easily and worked until the task was complete.