🌠 Chased Wolf - Will be deleted if chased again.

Found 11/11/24 in the Rainforest by Carrie #45194
Sending Home to Donna <3 835
1 year 1½ month
Level 1
Strength 48
Speed 38
Agility 49
Wisdom 44
Smarts 41
Total 220
As usual, every time you think you've had a bad day, ⭐️NBW Willow 220 M SMT proves it's not so bad. According to them, theirs is always worse and they're ready to describe in detail exactly why.
+1 to Relationship
Your chosen wolf sips the colourful ichor and lies down, suddenly exhausted. Their nap is long, and the dream they had was life-changing, to say the least.
Your chosen wolf's fur slowly turns green, as small sprouts of clover start to combine with individual hair strands.
Used a Base Applicator [Clover] on ⭐️NBW Willow 252 M SPD (#11382471) and changed to the base: Clover. Old base was: Willow.
Your chosen wolf howls with a deep, somber rasp. Spooky.
Used a(n) Marking Set Applicator [Ghast] on X NBW Clover 8M 252 PAIR (#11382471) and applied White Ghast in Slot 3.
Pair up with:
⭐️1 NBW Melchior 9M 232 SPD
Change the male to Badger?
ADDED to X Hunting Team on 17th Nov, 2024 02:13
Wolves sing together the song of fertility as they connect with spirits.
BLUE SAGE & Great Tit on partner
As usual, every time you think you've had a bad day, X NBW Clover 9M 268 PAIR proves it's not so bad. According to them, theirs is always worse and they're ready to describe in detail exactly why.
+1 to Relationship