Bring down those who hold onto long dead ideals, there's nothing to keep them standing no more, a chipped cliff giving away to a sunny hill. Inflexibly certain, with life or no more, it's no matter, it all shall follow as written. His seat is his reward for it, a well earned one at that.
Decor lightly based on Ri from Mononoke (モノノ怪).
Songs that reminds me of Rhadamanthus:
Oboroge - Yasuharu Takanasha &
Birthday Pony - Fugazi
Line of Pack Leaders: Volk -> V. Hesperus -> V. Boreas -> V. Dikaiosyne -> V. Oizys -> V. Rhadamanthus
STR: [+] Pathfinding, [+] Ambushing, [+] Tussling;
AGI: [+] Hunting Basics, [+] Beginner Foraging, [+] Stalking;
SMR: [+] Working Together.
Managed to be the one lead to get me the "Sting Like a Bee" achievement while being underlevelled making it so I now have all 10\10 battle achievements completed, very surprising given how his father has dwarfed all my other leads when it comes to stats, but Rhadas here is average.
Got to level 20 at 1 year 8½ months
Red Fox Hunting Places, maybe:
YES: Try Riparian for now
NO: Prairie (swift fox), Swamp (too many grays), Deciduous (too many grays and badgers), Rainforest (odds too low?), Taiga (odds also too low?)