ID #11431135
This wolf is a traveling wolf! He is currently being hosted by another player. He is from Wolf Howlers pack and may return at any time.
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.

Currents | |
Age | 3 years 0 months (Adult) |
Sex | Male |
Energy |
Mood |
Hunger |
HP |
Personality | Vulgar |
Breeding Information | |
Age in Rollovers | 72 |
Pups Bred | 3 pups bred |
Last Bred | 2024-12-19 06:25:58 |
Fertility | N/A |
Heat Cycle | N/A |
Items Applied | None! |
Looks | |
Base | Gray Darker (1.36%) |
Base Genetics | Monochrome Dark I |
Eyes | Holly |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Apollo |
Claws | Black |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | Piebald: Frontal ![]() |
Carrier Status | View Report |
Variant | Default |
Slot 1 | Dark Brown Wings Scarce (43% : T2) |
Slot 2 | Penumbra Gleam (44% : T3) |
Slot 3 | Aspen Peacock (64% : T3) |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | Black Wraith (55% : T3) |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | None |
Slot 8 | White Nose Line (44% : T0) |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | Black Stained Limbs (73% : T1) |
Owner: MamaTi #148740
- Don't change his name
- Do ask permission to pair bond him
- Do not add any marks with out asking first please
- Don't remove anything from his description or his decor
- Don't chase him (if you can't keep him, just send him to someone else or return to me)
- Try not to keep him longer than 4/5 rollovers (if u need more time make sure to msg me)
- Add your account information and any extra information to the travel template please.
- Feel free to write any lore or add decor!
- Can be set for a role while visiting
- Please keep him healthy
- Will bring back when he is of age of when its time
Origanl pack: Pandamonium (#28227)
Parents: Monet Lampshade, and Marionette
Siblings: none
Left his pack around 11/27/24 to see a new world
Hook can be vulgar at times but Nikai always can see past the roughness of him and brought him into the pack when he was a adolescent. She hoped through his growing up with the pack he would learn many new things.
Now that he has became an adult he is ready to meet new wolves and get to know the world through other packs. Hoping somewhere they can teach him more in all the role then he already knows. He wants to know more about himself and how he was the only pup that was born. Will you help him find his true self and his true calling?
User ID:
Pack Name:
Date Received:
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]:
Lore [optional]:
User ID: Forest's Abandon#143323
Pack Name: Forest's Mysteries
Territory: Mountains
Date Received: 12-21-24
Date Left: 12-30-24
Decor Added [optional]: Piebald Donkey
Lore [optional]: Hook was mostly the goodest boy during his stay, he helped train a few pups on strength, and hunting small animals. While a few pups actually learned, there were some that made Hook a bit frustrated at times who weren't able to pick it up as fast. During his stay with The Forest's Mysteries, Hook made a new friend to come with him a long his journey to many packs. It was a small donkey, who looked almost just like him! He was excited to have a new friend, and not have to make new ones everywhere he went. Now, he would always have atleast one friend by his side!
User ID: River Lily #142714
Pack Name: Oak Ridge Pack
Territory: Deciduous Forest
Date Received: 1/8/25
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]: Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Left], Scar: Eye - Long [Left], Scar: Wrist [Left]
Lore [optional]: One sunny spring day, Hook and his little donkey friend were traveling through a forest. It was a very pretty sight as they walked under the dappled sunlight of the canopy above. As they walked, Hook's donkey heard something in the bushes behind them. He made a frightened sound, causing Hook to turn around and prepare to fight if he needed to. "Who's there?" Hook barked, growling a bit. A pink and tan female wolf stepped out of the bushes with her head held low, trying to make sure he knew she was not a threat. "Don't worry, I mean no harm." She said, hoping he believed her. "Well why are you following us if you don't mean any ill will?" He asked with a snarky tone. She huffed, unamused by his attitude. "You're trespassing on my territory. I think I have the right to see what it is you're doing here." He paused for a moment, looking around. He didn't realize he was on territory lands. "I suppose that's fair." He loosened his muscles, but he was still cautious. His donkey friend was also cautious, hiding being Hook for protection. The pink wolf looked him up and down, then spoke firmly. "I have orders to bring any intruders to the queen and king. If you resist, I'll howl and have two hunting parties at my aid in a moment." Hook laughed, amused by her threat. "No need. You're not worth the headache of fighting. Just take me to your leaders." The pink wolf nodded; thankful she wouldn't have to fight him. Hook followed the scout back to the camp of the Oak Ridge Pack. As soon as they entered the camp, every pack member was looking at his donkey friend. This made both Hook and the donkey uncomfortable, so he kept his friend close. When they made it to the leaders den, the pink wolf stopped before the entrance. "I bring a trespasser for judgement. May we enter?" she said, and an old sounding voice from inside responded with a simple, "Yes." The pink wolf ushered Hook inside. The den was very large and held multiple wolves. There were two elders laying on moss beds in the middle of the cave, a pregnant looking female lying beside them, and two males sitting around them. One elder was an orange and gold male, and the other was a gray female. The pregnant wolf had calico merle markings. Finally, one of the males was brown, and the other was sandy yellow. Everyone looked at hook when he came into the den. "Thank you, Hemera. We'll take it from here." The gray wolf said, and then the pink wolf nodded, leaving Hook in the cave with them. "Introduce yourself." Said the orange wolf, though he didn't bother to stand up. Hook cleared his throat. "I'm Hook, and this is my donkey friend. Were travelers." The sandy yellow wolf laughed, eyeing the donkey who scowled at him. "Something funny?" Hook asked, scowling as well. "Nothing, my apologies." He said, but Hook didn't believe it. The gray wolf stood up before she spoke. "As long as you don't cause any problems, you are allowed to stay here. Food is scarce right now, but we will still offer you shelter." Hook thought for a moment, finally deciding to stay for a bit. "I guess I'll stick around, thanks." The gray wolf nodded before laying back down. "I am queen Azuli, and this is my king, Cypress." The orange wolf nodded. "We welcome you to the Oak Ridge Pack." She paused, eyeing the donkey as the yellow wolf had done before. "You can contribute to our pack as a scout while you stay here." Hook nodded, and so did Azuli. "Dune, Sycamore," the two males stood up. ''Show our guest the camp please. We will stay here with your sister." The two nodded, showing Hook out of the cave. They gave him a tour of the camp, then properly introduced him to Hemera, the pink wolf who found him, for she would be his scouting partner. The day went well, and he went on a scouting mission with Hemera. Donkey traveled with him. During the night, however, there was a bit of a commotion. Hook woke up to his donkey friend being chased by two wolves. It was the sandy yellow wolf, Dune, and a new black wolf. "What the hell are you doing?!" Hook shouted, coming to his friend's aid. "Catching dinner!" Barked the black wolf, lunging for the donkey. Hook got in the way, earning him a scar on his shoulder. "He's not food you dumb ****'s! He's my traveling companion!" The yellow wolf snickered. "For now." he said. Hook was sick of this yellow wolf, so he lunged at him. The yellow wolf got him in the face, earning him an eye scar, and the black wolf scratched his leg, trying to trip him. Hook realized he was outnumbered, so him and his donkey friend ran. At first some wolves chased them, but eventually they gave up and Hook and his donkey escaped.
User ID: Chelsea #68977
Pack Name: Spirit Dwellers
Territory: Deciduous Forest
Date Received: 1/8/25
Date Left: 1/14/25
Decor Added [optional]: Cold Cave
Lore [optional]:
User ID: Grey #151295
Pack Name: Nightveils
Territory: Deciduous Forest
Date Received: 1/15/25 (ACDT)
Date Left: N/A
Decor Added: N/A
Lore: Having had a rather unpleasant interaction with her fellow hunters, Nightveil wolf Ashen had decided she would hunt on her own today. Setting out with a bitter scowl, the less-than-friendly wolf was not in the best mood to be catching the scent of an unfamiliar canine drifting deep within her pack's territory. Hackles raised, Ashen allowed a growl to rise within her throat as she arrived in a small clearing. The scent was strongest here; the stranger can't have passed through more than a few moments ago.
"You are in Nightveil territory," she barked across the grassy field, "show yourself!"
Silence followed for several moments, before the greenery several tree-lengths away began to shake, as if something was turning around and retracing its steps.
Ashen watched wearily as a dappled wolf emerged from the tree-line, his tail swaying gently left and right. To Ashen's surprise, a small donkey nosed its way out as well, keeping itself safely behind its wolf companion.
"I mean no harm to your pack," the wolf announced, keeping his distance but displaying no fear nor submission. Ashen gave a flick of her ears, eyeing the stranger as he drew nearer. She didn't respond to his reassurance, seemingly urging him to continue speaking.
He went on, "My name is Hook. I'm a traveller. This is my friend."
"You are travelling through my pack's territory," Ashen retorted with none of the polite respect she knew the rest of her packmates would have showed this stranger.
"Passing through." Hook raised his eyebrows as he made the correction, giving his tail a light flick and taking several steps closer. "I travel the forests and mountains, and stay with packs as I pass."
"Well you will not be staying with this o--"
The interruption came from the bracken behind, just as a brown-beige wolf emerged from the shrubbery.
The wolf was strikingly beautiful, speckled in all shades of browns and blacks and her movements elegant yet confident. Her eyes, icy blue, regarded the two evenly as she approached.
"Remember what Raina said," she continued, "we welcome, house and feed all travellers."
"This is a trespasser, Jade! We should drive h--"
A growl rumbled deep within Ashen's throat, but under the firm gaze of her packmate, she reluctantly lowered her hackles and took a step back.
Jade gave Hook a dip of her head, lifting her tail in a small, polite gesture. "I'm Jade. I'm sorry about Ashen. We would be pleased to feed and shelter both of you as you pass through."
Hook let out an amused scoff, but ultimately decided to follow the two wolves as they lead him to their home. He noticed, though, that despite Jade's welcome she kept an eye on him on their journey, not letting him out of her sight. He also noticed, with great amusement, that she kept Ashen under watch too. Walking a little closer to the unhappy female, he gave her a sideways smirk and exclaimed, "You sure are trouble, aren't you?"
The low growl that he received in reply did little to sway his teasing. It did, however, scare his little donkey companion enough to press against his side fearfully.
Eventually the group arrived at a cluster of large boulders, with a curtain of vines and lichen covering the walkway between them. As he followed his leads through the curtain, Hook took in his new surroundings with interest; a relatively small clearing, covered in bracken and shrubbery and protected on all sides by both trees and rocks, with a dozen wolves milling about the small centre clearing.
A silver-and-grey wolf wearing a large woven cloak greeted them as they crossed the camp, regarding Hook with a friendly nod. "I see you found the source of the scent, Jade! I am Raina, leader of our pack. Welcome to the Nightveils."
Hook nodded in return, puffing out his chest as more and more eyes turned to watch him. "Well, thank you. I was told I could stay here, if you'll have me." He winked at the crowd around him.
"Of course! Our healer Solstice will check you for illness or injury before you settle in." She nodded at a beautiful grey-streaked wolf, who smiled back and twisted to nose through the several pouches strung around her torso.
Several other wolves stepped up to greet the newcomer, sharing words of welcome and curious questions about his small donkey friend. Before being swept away into the healer's cave, Hook answered as many questions as he could, holding his head high in pride.
- Don't change his name
- Do ask permission to pair bond him
- Do not add any marks with out asking first please
- Don't remove anything from his description or his decor
- Don't chase him (if you can't keep him, just send him to someone else or return to me)
- Try not to keep him longer than 4/5 rollovers (if u need more time make sure to msg me)
- Add your account information and any extra information to the travel template please.
- Feel free to write any lore or add decor!
- Can be set for a role while visiting
- Please keep him healthy
- Will bring back when he is of age of when its time
Origanl pack: Pandamonium (#28227)
Parents: Monet Lampshade, and Marionette
Siblings: none
Left his pack around 11/27/24 to see a new world
Hook can be vulgar at times but Nikai always can see past the roughness of him and brought him into the pack when he was a adolescent. She hoped through his growing up with the pack he would learn many new things.
Now that he has became an adult he is ready to meet new wolves and get to know the world through other packs. Hoping somewhere they can teach him more in all the role then he already knows. He wants to know more about himself and how he was the only pup that was born. Will you help him find his true self and his true calling?
User ID:
Pack Name:
Date Received:
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]:
Lore [optional]:
User ID: Forest's Abandon#143323
Pack Name: Forest's Mysteries
Territory: Mountains
Date Received: 12-21-24
Date Left: 12-30-24
Decor Added [optional]: Piebald Donkey
Lore [optional]: Hook was mostly the goodest boy during his stay, he helped train a few pups on strength, and hunting small animals. While a few pups actually learned, there were some that made Hook a bit frustrated at times who weren't able to pick it up as fast. During his stay with The Forest's Mysteries, Hook made a new friend to come with him a long his journey to many packs. It was a small donkey, who looked almost just like him! He was excited to have a new friend, and not have to make new ones everywhere he went. Now, he would always have atleast one friend by his side!
User ID: River Lily #142714
Pack Name: Oak Ridge Pack
Territory: Deciduous Forest
Date Received: 1/8/25
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]: Scar: Scratched Shoulder [Left], Scar: Eye - Long [Left], Scar: Wrist [Left]
Lore [optional]:
User ID: Chelsea #68977
Pack Name: Spirit Dwellers
Territory: Deciduous Forest
Date Received: 1/8/25
Date Left: 1/14/25
Decor Added [optional]: Cold Cave
Lore [optional]:
User ID: Grey #151295
Pack Name: Nightveils
Territory: Deciduous Forest
Date Received: 1/15/25 (ACDT)
Date Left: N/A
Decor Added: N/A
"You are in Nightveil territory," she barked across the grassy field, "show yourself!"
Silence followed for several moments, before the greenery several tree-lengths away began to shake, as if something was turning around and retracing its steps.
Ashen watched wearily as a dappled wolf emerged from the tree-line, his tail swaying gently left and right. To Ashen's surprise, a small donkey nosed its way out as well, keeping itself safely behind its wolf companion.
"I mean no harm to your pack," the wolf announced, keeping his distance but displaying no fear nor submission. Ashen gave a flick of her ears, eyeing the stranger as he drew nearer. She didn't respond to his reassurance, seemingly urging him to continue speaking.
He went on, "My name is Hook. I'm a traveller. This is my friend."
"You are travelling through my pack's territory," Ashen retorted with none of the polite respect she knew the rest of her packmates would have showed this stranger.
"Passing through." Hook raised his eyebrows as he made the correction, giving his tail a light flick and taking several steps closer. "I travel the forests and mountains, and stay with packs as I pass."
"Well you will not be staying with this o--"
The interruption came from the bracken behind, just as a brown-beige wolf emerged from the shrubbery.
The wolf was strikingly beautiful, speckled in all shades of browns and blacks and her movements elegant yet confident. Her eyes, icy blue, regarded the two evenly as she approached.
"Remember what Raina said," she continued, "we welcome, house and feed all travellers."
"This is a trespasser, Jade! We should drive h--"
A growl rumbled deep within Ashen's throat, but under the firm gaze of her packmate, she reluctantly lowered her hackles and took a step back.
Jade gave Hook a dip of her head, lifting her tail in a small, polite gesture. "I'm Jade. I'm sorry about Ashen. We would be pleased to feed and shelter both of you as you pass through."
Hook let out an amused scoff, but ultimately decided to follow the two wolves as they lead him to their home. He noticed, though, that despite Jade's welcome she kept an eye on him on their journey, not letting him out of her sight. He also noticed, with great amusement, that she kept Ashen under watch too. Walking a little closer to the unhappy female, he gave her a sideways smirk and exclaimed, "You sure are trouble, aren't you?"
The low growl that he received in reply did little to sway his teasing. It did, however, scare his little donkey companion enough to press against his side fearfully.
Eventually the group arrived at a cluster of large boulders, with a curtain of vines and lichen covering the walkway between them. As he followed his leads through the curtain, Hook took in his new surroundings with interest; a relatively small clearing, covered in bracken and shrubbery and protected on all sides by both trees and rocks, with a dozen wolves milling about the small centre clearing.
A silver-and-grey wolf wearing a large woven cloak greeted them as they crossed the camp, regarding Hook with a friendly nod. "I see you found the source of the scent, Jade! I am Raina, leader of our pack. Welcome to the Nightveils."
Hook nodded in return, puffing out his chest as more and more eyes turned to watch him. "Well, thank you. I was told I could stay here, if you'll have me." He winked at the crowd around him.
"Of course! Our healer Solstice will check you for illness or injury before you settle in." She nodded at a beautiful grey-streaked wolf, who smiled back and twisted to nose through the several pouches strung around her torso.
Several other wolves stepped up to greet the newcomer, sharing words of welcome and curious questions about his small donkey friend. Before being swept away into the healer's cave, Hook answered as many questions as he could, holding his head high in pride.
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
69 | 66 | 51 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
46 | 58 | 290 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | ![]() |
Season | ![]() |
Biome | Tundra |
Decorations and Background |
No Role!
Proficiency | |
Hunting: Stalking | |
Hunting: Chasing | |
Hunting: Finishing | |
Scouting | |
Herbalism | |
Pupsitting |
Statistic | Count |
Total Number of Scouts | 1 |
Total Number of Hunts | 32 |
Successful Hunts | 18 |
Total Number of Lessons Taught | 6 |
In current pack for 0 rollovers
Wolf created on 2024-11-16 18:56:46