Here are the rules for Violyt.
1. Violyt can be bred. Please make sure she gets nested! If you don't like any of the pups, don't chase/kill them! Send them over to me!
2. Violyt is to not be traded, chased, killed or retired.
3. Violyt can have either the hunter or scout role added.
4. Lore can be added if you like. It doesn't have to be lengthy. You can make it simple.
5. Violyt can stay in a hoster's pack for 15 rollovers (longer if she's pregnant). If you haven't found a new host, send her back to me.
6. Decorations can only be added, not removed. (Please make sure you make a log in her bio about what was added.)
7. Please do not add any poses, mutations, and/or marking additions/removals/opacity changers.
8. Please do not change the way her name looks.
9. Please make sure she's fed, and her mood is up. If you need food/amusement items, let me know. I can send some over.
10. Please don't assign her to a pair bond.
Host Format
Den Link:
Stats on Arrival:
Stats on Departure:
Lore (if you want):
Decor added:
That's all! Have fun!
Name: Nala' #50141
Den Link:
Stats on Arrival: 341
Stats on Departure:341
Lore (if you want):
Decor added: