As the leaves begin to fall from the trees, the winds turning cold and harsh, Boreas awakens from his slumber to usher in the era of never-ending night. If you should catch a glimpse of his icy pelt or feel the weight of his chilling stare, know that you have been.... marked.
Traveler Rules:
You MAY:
Pairbond and Breed.
Add him to roles within your pack, and level him.
Add Decor.
Add Markings (as long as they do NOT break up his theme.)
Add Lore.
Neglect him. If you need resources to keep him fed and happy while he is in your pack, reach out to me and I will provide the needed items.
Offer him, in any way, to another player. He will come home to me before he goes on to his next pack.
Keep him longer than 10 Rollovers.
Add markings, or change his base, if it conflicts with his theme.
Traveler Template:
Entry Date:
Exit Date:
Territory: Black River Syndicate
Entry Date: 2024-11-25
Exit Date: 2024-11-27
Pairbond: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Lore: Boreas. A name whispered in the shadows, a name carried on the breeze. Many wolves know of him, as they know of the things he brings with him. Hardships, trials, tribulations. With Boreas comes winter. Snow, and storms. The herds will move on, leaving wolves to scrounge for scraps. Sickness will claim the weak, taking the elderly and the young indiscriminately. WIll your pack survive this season of harshness? Or will Boreas claim yet another victory?
Territory: Lycania Pack
Entry Date: 2024-11-27
Exit Date: 2024-12-6
Pairbond: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Lore: Boreas stalked upon the unsuspecting pack, lips lifting as he bore teeth of ice. He let out a low, guttural howl that seemed to ring the ears of any who heard it. Standing mere feet away from the den of the pack, he barked his words of arrival.
"I hope you've prepared." He chuckled, entering into the warmth of the den. A white wolf with markings of black along her spine instantly stood, walking in front of the others to meet the newcomer.
"Who are you, and where have you come from?" She snarled, revealing sparkling canines. Boreas stepped closer, the snow upon his back falling to the den floor.
"Lassen, I've been waiting for the arrival of these pups." He turned his muzzle to gesture to the new nursing mothers, before his eyes looked back to the alpha, Lassen.
"Get out of the den, now." She snapped her jaw together, teeth clicking in warning as she growled. "It's a whole pack against a single wolf, you can't do anything."
Boreas just laughed, turning around with a flick of his tail in her face. "Treat me well, and perhaps I'll go easy on you." He glanced back, raising a brow. "Do we have a deal? I stay here for a little while, and you don't have to suffer the loss of your pack."
Lassen backed up slightly, before she spoke up. "Fine, we have a deal. You may stay in the cave of the Greater Hoard."