Please use the travel template to add your ID and any other information!
Please don't change her name or sex.
You may set her as a role when visiting.
Try not to keep her for more than 8 rollovers.
If you decide you don't want her anymore, please don't chase. Send her back to me or to someone else who wants her.
Please don't let her go hungry or bored.
Please keep her healthy.
Any decor you would like to put on her can either be removed or kept on her when sending her to me or another person.
You may add any apps that you wish.
I encourage you to write more lore!
Will be calling back once she's 6 years old.
Hidden Silence Pack
User ID: 65655
Pack Name: Hidden Silence Pack (home)
Territory: Grassland
Date Received: 12/04/24
Date Left: 12/04/24
Decor Added [optional]:
Lore [optional]: Came into the pack as a NBW and immediately asked if she could be a traveler. The alpha Cincostar gave her a proper pack name and sent her off on her way.
User ID: 119120
Pack Name: The Pack of the Shadowed River
Territory: Coniferous Forest
Date Received: 12/4/24
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]: Arnica Flower Decor
Lore [optional]: Mistspring was found by a border patrol and escorted to the camp where she met Rowanstar. After assuring the pack that she meant no harm and that she was traveling between packs to help and learn about diverse pack cultures, Rowanstar agreed that she could stay for a few sunrises. With the supervision of the High Pupsitter, Flamefeather, Mistspring happily became a pupsitter and nurtured a pup into adolescence.
User ID:
Pack Name:
Date Received:
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Decor Added [optional]:
Lore [optional]:
User ID:
Pack Name:
Date Received:
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]:
Lore [optional]:
User ID:
Pack Name:
Date Received:
Date Left:
Decor Added [optional]:
Lore [optional]: