This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 3 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
During the lesson:Crystal learned today how to avoid conflict by asking questions first rather than imply solutions. This made packmates feel included in decision making, which strengthened the bond of the entire pack.
During the lesson:With the carcass tied to a straw string, Gtar pulled it to simulate prey movement. Crystal stalked and pounced on the "prey" successfully, and began to tear it apart before she was scolded to be more precise and not let food go to waste.
During the lesson:Wisp had Crystal and Clover take turns leading each other down a path with their eyes closed. Teamwork comes from trust, and Crystal and Clover had to trust each other to work as a team!
During the lesson:Finally, after many trials and failed attempts that made other pups burst with laughter, Crystal let out a proper, long howl! Still somewhat high-pitched, but it couldn't be mistaken for anything else other than a growing, strong wolf.
During the lesson: Every time Crystal found the toy, she was allowed to play with it for a bit. Vanilla is sure that rewarding her technique will be beneficial for her growth.
During the lesson:Wisp laid out different herbs for Crystal to smell with her eyes closed, huffing at her when she attempted to peek. Your nose is your strongest sense when it comes to identifying herbs!
β In early February, Crystal joined another pack "Mockingbird's Cry" and changed her name to Ice Lake. βIn the new pack, Ice Lake chose the position of pupsitter.