Eclipse is a spirited and enigmatic young wolf whose striking appearance sets her apart from the rest of the pack. Born with a rare third eye, dark and mysterious, she has been regarded with awe and curiosity since her birth. The eye is believed by some to grant her unique insight and intuition, though Eclipse herself sees it as both a blessing and a burden.
Growing up, Eclipse displayed a fiercely independent streak. She often ventured into the woods alone, exploring its secrets and testing her limits. Her third eye gave her an uncanny ability to sense danger and discern hidden truths, making her an exceptional scout despite her young age. However, her independence sometimes causes her to clash with the pack's more traditional members, who worry about her safety and reluctance to rely on others.
Eclipse admires Vaiotis's leadership and strives to emulate her strength, though she is determined to forge her own path. She has a close bond with Haku, who treats her like a younger sibling and helps temper her impulsiveness.
While Eclipse's third eye continues to intrigue the pack, she is determined to prove that her worth lies in her actions, not her appearance. As she grows, she seeks to find her place within the pack while maintaining the fierce independence that defines her.