Kumara "koo-mar-uh"
The son of the first breeding male amongst the Disciples, Kumara has big pawprints to fill. Named by his father - not after a dog breed - but after ancient gods supposedly. Also, the name started with K, and so does his mother's name... Kinda just worked out like that.
Although he has an important role in the pack, he's the complete opposite of his father, Dobie; quiet and sulky and gloomy most days, Kumara would rather be anywhere but with the Disciples. He wants to take his role seriously, but often, his thoughts drift to traveling alone, exploring lands by himself, fending for himself rather than the others. Perhaps he'll settle into his role one day... Or perhaps he'll drift from the pack as time goes on. Who's to say? All true Disciples are wanderers at heart, after all.
Kumara's very first expedition as a Scout brought a surprise when he returned; a barn owl was perched to his back. He refused to speak of where he found the bird, and the bird itself seemed quite attached to him, even attacking any creatures (wolf or otherwise) that neared the male.