Sorrel, and her twin sister, Suri, were given to the Enclave by their former wolfpack. Calluna, the alpha female leader of the Echoing Meadows Pack, had came across them and decided to take both of them into the pack as their own. Basalt and Shula, two hunters of the pack, adopted Sorrel, while Cedar and Jora who were also hunters of the pack adopted Suri. However, sadly, Sorrel ends up loosing her sister. Tragically, Suri was too eager while feasting one fateful night. She swallowed a sharp bone and ended up choking. No one was able to save her, and she unfortunately passed away. Now, Sorrel is the living one of the twins, with her sister Suri having had departed from this world. As of recent, both of Sorrel's adoptive parents seemed to have left the pack and haven't been seen since, and it seems that they will not ever return either; leaving Sorrel to be raised by the rest of her pack-mates and continue to grow up without her parents by her side. Sorrel also has an adoptive older sister, named Cynara.