The name Motega is a male name of Native American origin that means "new arrow". It can be traced back to the indigenous peoples of North America, especially the tribes of the Great Plains, such as the Lakota, Dakota, and Cheyenne. In these cultures, the arrow was a vital tool for hunting, warfare, and spiritual practices, and symbolized power, precision, and protection.
3x 100% Marking Opacity
During the lesson: Mighty-Motega learned a camouflage technique today - rolling in mud, dirt and herbivore poop distracted Warm-Flint enough to steal the toy from under her paws! Warm-Flint congratulated him on his cleverness.
During the lesson: Mighty-Mitena reminded Mighty-Motega not to giggle each time she walks by. It would make the hiding technique much more efficient.
Mighty-Motega doesn't usually give you gifts, and you're leery as they grin suggestively when you take it. You really don't want to hear what, in their opinion, you can do with it. Gained 1x Weasel Carcass!