As a pup Gef bonded with Akatora, and they are still best friends. Like the half-white, Gef's father was also a dog. Ash Lad was well regarded by most for his skill as a hunting lead, but some still can't believe he was allowed into the pack. It doesn't help that he inherited his father's unsettling eyes, which make him look more intense than he means to.
Fifth generation Ghul lines. No recessive genes.
Parents: Ash Lad and Li Chi.
Chased Brother.
Half-siblings: Stud father's pups, 9 pages.
Aunts and Uncles: Cayenne, Amber [stalker].
Great-Aunts and Uncles: Black/Brown/Honey Cougar, Hazel, Mallow, Stalker.
Cousin Three Times Removed: Nachshi.
Cousin Four Times Removed: Eep.
Saito, Tai, Vapor, Starless, Alkonost.