bought for 4 GC
Sylvaris: rooted in "sylva," meaning forest, and "aris," giving it a noble touch
Drathen: from "dra," meaning dragon-like strength, and earthy roots
Vaelric: a blend of "vale," a valley, and "ric," meaning ruler or strong
Thorian: derived from Thor, symbolizing strength and nature's storms
Tarnis: from "tarn," meaning mountain lake, and a sleek, masculine ending
1-2 :: gained +2 speed, +1 smarts, +1 agility, +0 strength, +0 wisdom
2-3 :: gained +3 speed, +2 smarts, +1 agility, +0 strength, +0 wisdom
3-4 :: gained +4 smarts, +2 speed, +1 agility, +0 wisdom, +1 strength
4-5 :: gained +4 strength, +3 agility, +1 speed, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts
5-6 :: gained +4 speed, +4 agility, +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts
6-7 :: gained +6 strength, +4 smarts, +2 speed, +1 wisdom, +1 agility
7-8 :: gained +7 speed, +5 agility, +2 smarts, +1 wisdom, +1 strength
8-9 :: gained +8 smarts, +6 strength, +2 agility, +1 speed, +1 wisdom
9-10 :: gained +7 agility, +7 speed, +2 strength, +2 wisdom, +2 smarts