This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 1 rollover! This wolf is a traveling wolf! She is currently in her home pack. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
The wolf approaches with her chest held high, and bows her head in greeting.She is happy to visit your den, meet your wolves and be of service to many.RULES:You may breed her, keep the puppies! Any role is okay if you decideIf you aren't breeding, please try to keep her for no longer than 7 roll overs Dont neglect her, If she has low stats for more than 2 rollovers I will take her back.OPTIONAL - FILL THIS LOG TEMPLATEDEN NAME:ACCOUNT LINK:LORE:PUPS BRED?:DECOR ADDED?:LOGDEN NAME: NoceACCOUNT LINK: pack leader Roby, a silver-black wolf was patrolling her teritorry. Being a young first time leader she spent a while sniffing trough the bushes. Her pack was small and close knit so she was surprised to find an unfamilliar scent filling her nose. A lone female, surely. The outsider needed to be found in a timely manner, she could pose a threat to the Noce pack. Roby begins the search, now accompanied by two of her best hunters. They followed the strange scent trough the forest to a nearby clearing. There she stood, up on a small hill a strange wolf was staring in their direction. Roby was unsure of what to do, looking at the trespasser. Her fur was shimmering in the sun - half black, half bright citrus colored. She was the first to make a move, with a playful bow and roll she invited the three to come closer, stating that she meant no harm. Roby stood tall giving her a warm greeting now that she felt safe, her hunters followed. They learned her name was Impureza and she was a traveller on a journey from one of the nearby packs. The Noce pack was small, but offered to be the first stop on her quest - after all, the more the merrier! PUPS BRED?: 4Fathered by: ADDED?: