Rokh moves like a force of nature. Alpha Bazaraza met him while on the way to discuss treaties with a neighboring pack. It was flash flood season and he witnessed the disaster from a distance, a hunting party and their apprentice climbing out of a dry riverbed. The lanky young wolf bounded at the lead, scrabbling to safety while the adults were swept away. After sharing in the mourning rituals of his neighbors, Alpha Bazaraza negotiated to bring the survivor home and give him in marriage to one of the pack's most influential bloodline carriers.
In addition to exceptional speed and agility, Rokh also brought a friend earned by his birth pack's tradition of bird training. The raven is the largest anyone had seen and reminded the less tolerant that half-whites weren't all suspicious half-dogs. Rokh bonded with the bird as an adult and showed it great patience, as it is less predictable that the wolf-raised hatchlings many Ghul wolves have kept over the years. It was no surprise when such a striking male was chosen to become next ambassador after Sir Surplus Kill.
RMA- Gray/Black Inuit Unders, Black Tail Tip, Gold Medium Husky/Tamaskan Unders.