You can either keep her or pass her to another one.
÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Traveler Information:
1. Do NOT remove her mutation!!!!
2. No changing of base or markings/don't add or remove markings.
3. Don't let her hunger or mood drop under 40%
4. I'm okayish when her eyes are changed
For all my traveler wolves: No changing names.
I'll change it back.
If you break any of these rules, I'll recall her immediately.
If you put decor on her & I recall her, I'll send you the decor back.
If breeding:
She's a Frostwalker descendent.
Though she's Gen17, so I don't think it counts as inbreed anymore?
I would like if you avoid Inbreeding but I'll not be mad if you do.