This wolf is currently nursing at least one puppy! She will wean her offspring in 3 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
New Befriended Wolf suddenly pops up beside you with a woof of excitement. Jeez! There goes your relaxed mood.
+1 to Relationship
I found him in the Desert
26th Dec, 2024 01:22
"$ NBW Pumice 275 M is completely clear! Not a carrier for anything at all."
$ NBW Pumice Achilles Ornate Waves Silver Limbs 5M Dark Hazel EYES 275st Male 1 year 4 months
Your chosen wolf sips the colourful ichor and lies down, suddenly exhausted. Their nap is long, and the dream they had was life-changing, to say the least.
Your chosen wolf's fur slowly turns green, as small sprouts of clover start to combine with individual hair strands.
Used a Base Applicator [Clover] on 🎠NBW Pumice 275 M (#11771408) and changed to the base: Clover. Old base was: Pumice.