This pregnant wolf is not currently nested, and may risk losing puppies if she tries to give birth.
This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 4 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
508 at birth
586 at 1
592 at 2
598 at 3
607 at 4 at 1 year and 1/2 month
619 at 5
631 at 6
648 at 7
664 at 8
687 at 9
713 at 10 at 1 year and 4 1/2 months
739 at 11
772 at 12
804 at 13 at 1 year and 8 1/2 months,
846 at 14