This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 5 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
Your chosen wolf eats the elk's heart. It's the most thoughtful and romantic gift among your kin.
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Cedar Marbled Unders was applied in slot 10!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Black Back Edge Patch was applied in slot 9!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Honey Highlights was applied in slot 6!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Cream Cape Ticking was applied in slot 8!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Gold Cross was applied in slot 5!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Brown Half Stripe was applied in slot 4!
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Shell Toes was applied in slot 1!