Ayla takes her job as The Gray-Nose, or Oldest Bloodline Advisor, very seriously. Under her bloodline rights to have a mate, she even picked a pack-born male with the rare nose color. Fueled by past-life memories, she scavenged some jewelry from Alpha-Four-Times-Back Sulakhan's hoard of human junk. She doesn't wear it on hunts, but during inter-pack meetings it makes her feel special.
9th generation Ghul lines. Private line/no outside genetics. No recessive genes.
Parents: Globemallow and Cloudberry.
Sisters: Tiger, 514 Chaser, 5 Marks, Orca.
Uncle: 501 Stat Chaser, Merged.
Cousin Three Times Removed: Moto Moto Great-Grandkid.
Cousins Four Times Removed: Coyotl, Grug.